[1] S.W. Jung, K.H. Sung, T.W. Park and H.C. Kwon, "Performance Improvement using Two-Level Cashing on Information Retrieval System ", Proceedings of the EALPIIT2002, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp295-299, January 2002 2001³â[1] S.W. Jung, K.H. Sung, T.W. Park, H.C. Kwon, "Intelligence Integration of Information on the Internet for Travelers on Demand ", 2001 ISIE Proceedings, Pusan, Korea, pp.338-342, June 2001 [2] B.H. Lee, D.W. Park, Y.J. Chung, H.C. Kwon, "Efficiency Improvement of Korean Information Retrieval System Using Relative Distance Between Index Words ", 2001 ISIE Proceedings, Pusan, Korea, pp.243-246, June 2001 [3] B.H. Lee, M.S. Park, Y.J. Chung, H.C. Kwon, "Design and Implementation of Multi-Agent Environment for Internet Information Retrieval Service ", 2001 ISIE Proceedings, Pusan, Korea, pp.318-321, June 2001 [4] T.W. Park, K.H. Sung, S.W. Jung, H.C. 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